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A New Tradition

Started in 2004, with neither having any background in wine-making, the Carneiros retrained & are now both winegrowers, heart & soul, with Alberto in charge of the grapes and Cristiana the wine-maker.

Learn More About The Winery

Carneiro Family Wines have such a love for family & the history of their town which is clearly carried on in to their wine-making.

Their wines are well known for their beautiful labels, one of which is named after Cristiana's daughter Luz, and another, Tordo, named after a bird that lays three eggs, just as Alberto & Cristiana have 3 children.

Foral de Atei’ is a new line of wines named after their hometown of Atei, a ‘Foral’, was a royal document signed by the king for the approval of the creation of newly founded town, & the ‘Foral’ for Atei was granted in 1514!

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