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An Unusual & Unique Terrior

Located in the sub-region of Basto, the most inland & therefore has little to no Atlantic influence, sits "Plainas", their oldest & largest vineyard which overlooks the Tâmega river that flows in to the Douro river & then the sea, creating a channel to bring the fresh sea airs to this vineyard.

Learn More About The Winery

The Vinho Verde sits on granite bedrock & the soil type has been crushed to almost sand allowing the roots of the vines here to grow deeper & stronger for an increase in minerality in the wines.

Plainas is also the name given to the brand of wines from that vineyard - as many of you will recognize - and being enjoyed here with olives & cured meats, all from the family estate.

The family home was built in the 17th century & has been in Francisco’s family since 1822. The beautiful open fireplace in the kitchen is still used and sausages are hung in the top to smoke.

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